Creatively Efficient has mapped four different leadership journeys based on your career goals and where you are currently in your career. If you are prepared to:
*Step Forward
*Lead Others as You Lead Yourself
*Step Up & Out
then, take this quiz to learn what your next steps should be!
Click the button below to start.
When answering these questions, please reflect back on your actions in the last 12 months. There is no correct answer. Please select that answer that best describes you.
Question 2 of 29
How often have you been late to work?
Question 3 of 29
How often have you misplaced your keys?
Question 4 of 29
How often have you missed a work or school deadline / assignment?
Once or twice
Question 5 of 29
How often or how many times have you sent an email you regretted?
Question 6 of 29
How many times have you missed your personal bedtime?
Question 7 of 29
On average, how many hours of sleep do you get per night?
Less than 4
4 - 5
6 - 8
Question 8 of 29
How often have you raised your voice in argument?
Question 9 of 29
How often have you thanked a colleague for their help or support?
Question 10 of 29
How often do you journal or practice self-reflection?
Question 11 of 29
How often have you done any of the following?
1. Attended a class
2. Watched learning videos
3. read a self-help or non-fiction book
This section asks you questions regarding your current career or job path.
Question 13 of 29
How many years of work experience do you have?
Less than 1
Question 14 of 29
If you have teams working for you, how many people report to you?
No team, I'm an independent contributor
Question 15 of 29
What level of schooling have you attained?
High School / GED
Journeyman (Skilled Trades) / Associates Degree
Bachelors Degree
Masters Degree
Question 16 of 29
Have you held leadership positions in work or civic organizations?
I prefer to participate
Yes, in groups up to 10 people
Yes, in groups 11-30 people
Yes, in groups of 31-100
Yes, in groups of 100+
Question 17 of 29
Do you currently envision that you want to lead teams?
No, I prefer to be a specialist and independent contributor
Yes, I like to lead small groups (~5 people)
Yes, I like to lead teams up to 25 people
Yes, I like to lead teams 26-100 people
Yes, I like to teams and teams of teams (100+)
Question 18 of 29
In your field of work, do you have the technical skills necessary?
No, I am still learning.
Yes, and I am still learning.
Yes, I am considered competent in my field.
Yes, I am considered an expert in my field.
Yes, and I would like grow into a leadership position
As you answer the following questions, please consider what you think your next steps are. You are preparing for the next five years.
Question 20 of 29
Do you like to help people?
Very Often
Question 21 of 29
Do you like to speak in front of large groups (15+)?
Very often
Question 22 of 29
Are you comfortable working in small groups?
Question 23 of 29
Is it important to you that you are seen as a specialist in your field?
Absolutely essential
Very important
Of average importance
Of little importance
Not important at all
Question 24 of 29
Is it important to you to be a leader in your field?
Question 25 of 29
Do agree with the statement: Office politics are an important game to be played.
Question 26 of 29
Do you read books or watch Tedx type videos on management theory?
Question 27 of 29
Do you focus on organizational____?
1. Leadership
2. Culture
3. Vision / Mission
4. Strategy
Question 28 of 29
Do you agree with the following statement. I am excited to lead during times of crisis.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Question 29 of 29
How do you feel regarding the following statement? I see challenging situations as opportunities to be solved.