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0:00:00 - Speaker 1
Are you an aspiring leader who knows you have more to offer but you can't seem to get ahead? Do you frequently feel overwhelmed and undersupported? Listen to the Overcome to Become podcast as we talk about actionable tasks and mindsets that you can apply to begin leading yourself. Hi, my name is Angela Buckley, your host and author of the Strength in Nature Leadership Series. I'm a mother, consultant, triathlete and author In Overcome to Become. I share with you the science back and experience proven lessons I've learned in my own leadership journey to beat burnout. Thanks for listening.
Hello, dr Angela Buckley here and I am finishing out season two so we can move on to season three, and the last focus that we've been having has been nature and nurture and the importance of nutrition. So I wanted to share with you today this important study that came out of Finland. They were studying municipal employees and they were relating healthy diets and burnout symptoms amongst their employees, so wanted to take a look right here you can see who was writing it, what they were working on and the importance of that study. We know that burnout is that complete exhaustion that you feel. It can be an emotional impact, it can be a feeling of overwhelm and it can have a feeling of not being good enough right, really struggling with keeping up, and so one of the contributing factors that they were asking themselves is how important is the nutrition component in order to support your burnout symptoms? Not that work isn't important, not that all the other things aren't going along, but there are some things that are sometimes outside of our realm of possibilities to control, and so we want to work on the things that we can control, and our nutrition and our diet is one thing that is 100% within our control. They studied 630 female employees and their average age was 49, standard deviation of 10 years.
The participants who had a higher score of burnout on the Bergen burnout indicator. They had poorer quality of sleep, they had higher levels of anxiety and they exhibited more depressive symptoms, so they were not in the same socio-demographic groups. There was nothing that was contributing to that, and they were showing that there was definitely a difference in groups based on the diets that they were consuming. The healthy food items, the people indicated that they had a lower burnout score in comparison to those who had higher processed foods and were not consuming some of the some of the other things. The healthy food items included low-fat dairy vegetables, fruit and berries and white meat.
So I wanted to just highlight the importance of it. We've been talking about it all season long, but we really wanted to just highlight that this isn't just something that we talk about and it's a feel-good thing but there is truly data that supports the importance of understanding how our nutrition is supporting ourselves. So if you'd like to know more about this, I do have a copy of the Bergen burnout indicator. If you would like to take that and we can talk through what those scores would look like for you and take some steps to improving your burnout, please reach out to me via DM or messages. Otherwise, you can always find more information on my website at wwwstrengthinnaturecom. Thanks and have a great day. Slash journals or at your favorite book distributor, such as Amazon or Apple.
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