S1 E6: Microhabits: Prioritize

Season #1



–Laughably achievable, small daily habits


Today's episode has a short shownotes, because micro, by definition is small!


Based on the neuroscience of fueling success, we set low goals, celebrate our success, and use that energy to grow. Microhabits are designed for growth.


Angela’s Favorite Microhabits:

  1. Sips of water
  2. Exercise, preferably outdoors
  3. Be in Nature

 Prioritize yourself.

Find habits that help you reduce your cortisol levels.

Researchers have shown that adequate hydration, moderate exercise, and time spent in nature – even looking at pictures of nature – reduce our cortisol levels aka stress hormones. If you are feeling stressed, burnt out, or just overwhelmed, you likely have elevated cortisol levels. Use these microhabits to begin reducing your stress levels.


Extra Reading

Talk a Walk

Levels of Nature and Stress Response

Combined Effect of Walking and Forest Environment on Salivary Cortisol Concentration

Galentines & Valentines: A Time for Self-Care



Dream Big / Start Small


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